Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
William H. Turner Technical Arts High School is pleased to be one of Miami-Dade County's Career Magnet Schools. The Magnet Program consists of eight academies, each with its own selection of strands, and each following a rigorous scope and sequence.
The district's magnet academies of accelerated learning offer unique educational choices to the students of Miami-Dade County to meet their individual needs.
The academic program of each magnet academy offers a theme or focus that is designed to give students an opportunity to explore a special interest, gift, talent or skill. The school attract top students and talented teachers who bring innovative ideas to the classroom. Teachers are chosen based on their academic preparation, professional experience, and specialized skills.

Academy of
Business & Finance
Academy of
Civil Engineering & Architectural Design
Academy of
Criminal Justice
Academy of
Entertainment Technology
Academy of
Information Technology
Academy of Instructional Research
Academy of
Medical Science
Academy of
Veterinary Science & Agriculture Technology